P-MAN IX Update #03
14 February 2007

Hello Everyone!

Well, you know who’s flying over the big pond to go to Palau. You know why we’re doing this. The next question is how are we going to do this. However, this how is really a who, so we can get to the what, because of the why.

The last who to introduce you to is Joe Maldangesang.

Joe and Esther, actually. Without them, the BentProp Project would not be as successful as it is. To label Joe as a guide or boat captain is woefully inadequate. He is certainly both of those, but he has educated us over the years about Palauan customs and legends. He has been a translator when we need one. He opens mental doors that would normally be closed. He knows the Palauan waters. He knows the Palauan jungles. He knows the Palauan people. His people. And he knows us.

Joe met Pat about 10 years ago. At first, Joe thought Pat was just another client. Take him around. Show him a good time. Thank you very much.

But Pat kept coming back. And Joe kept taking him out to where tourists don’t go. A bond built and I can attest that for those who meet Joe and Esther, you feel as if you found a member of your family.

Without Joe and Esther, there would be no updates from the field.

So here’s Joe.

Betel-nut harvester

Proud Papa with son Doyle.

Joe, left, interpreting for
us in an interview with
a Palauan elder.

Deep in the mangroves

Preventing hypothermia in the tropics.

Right with us in the mud and rain. And it’s broad daylight in the jungle.

Pat with Joe and Ricky Adelbai,
Palau’s unofficial ambassadors.

Blue SKies, Flip