P-MAN XI Final Report
J. Scannon, MD, PhD
Team Leader
The P-MAN XI (2009) expedition was conducted between 19 February and 12 March 2009.
The overall report presented below was prepared by Dr. Pat Scannon. It comprises several sections, some of which were prepared by other team members, including:
- A report on POW/MIA sites in Ngatpang, prepared by Mark Swank
- A report on underwater search activities, prepared by Rick
- A report on potential MIA sites in Ngiwal, prepared by Paul Schwimmer
The report is substantial in size. It has been formatted as a set of files in PDF format, which you can either view within your browser if you have the appropriate plugin, or download and save to your computer to view with the free Adobe Reader application. Note that the POW/MIA report section is roughly 10MB in size - please give it time to load/download.
- Cover and Introduction
- Exectutive Summary
- Attachment 1: POW/MIA
Report (Mark Swank)
- Attachment 2: Water
Mission (Rick Smith)
- Attachment 3: Airai FM-2 Site
- Attachment 4: Possible MIA
Site in Ngiwal (Paul Schwimmer)
- Attachments 5 & 6: Airai and
Kossol Passage
- Attachment 7: Interviews with Palauan Elders
- Attachments 8-10: Government Affairs, Sites Not Visited, and
- Remembrance: Rita Ulsudong
- Final Notes