P-MAN IX Update #02
11 February 2007

Hello Everyone!

Although The BentProp searchers are a group of individuals, and I do tell stories about what we are doing out in the field, the real story is about the men and women who lost their lives so long ago, and their family members who are left behind.

I try to somehow link us to that concept in my writings early in the mission. I have done that with pictures of some of the participants and photos of cool old airplanes. I was thinking about how to do that this year as I sat down in my seat on the airplane in Detroit. I was contemplating which files I would go to in my computer to find photos from the war years. I thought it would be nice to not duplicate photos I’ve used previously. I was lost in my thoughts when I was abruptly brought back to reality.

A United States Marine Corps Sergeant, ramrod straight, walked onto the airplane and had a seat. If he had been wearing any uniform other than the one he had on, I probably would not have taken much notice. He was wearing his full dress uniform. You know the one: dark blue jacket with red piping and ribbons, blue pants with the red leg stripe and white gloves and cover. About the only time you see that is when they are recruiting, or escorting one of their own home.

I don’t know the Marine’s name who was killed, nor how and where he died. He died in the service of his country and this Marine Sergeant was honored to be performing this service to his fallen comrade in arms. The Sergeant did not know the Marine until given this assignment. They started their journeys separately, but would travel together from Philadelphia to Detroit, Tokyo and the next day, south to Saipan. The escort would make sure all was right during this journey home.

Saipan is where this fallen Marine was from. Saipan is about an hour north of Guam by air. Palau is about an hour and 45 minutes southwest. Both are small islands. Both had horrific battles where many Marines were lost in fighting for our Democracy’s right to exist.

Saipan is so small that most of the island’s population will turn out and line the streets as their hometown Marine is taken to his final resting spot. We may never read a news story about this, nor see any pictures. Saipan is far away and the mainstream media might not even hear about this. But we have.

[Note: Dan O'Brien did a little digging outside the mainstream media, and passed along the following article from the Saipan Tribune, which gives some information about the fallen Marine. Lance Corporal Adam Quitugua Emul, who would have celebrated his 21st birthday this March, was from Tanapag.]

And that is what The BentProp Project is all about. It’s not about us. We are just a vehicle to tell the stories about the fallen, and those they left behind.

In honor of this fallen Marine, I’m sure The Blue Angels won’t mind me borrowing them:

Photo sent to me by Jim Edwards
from a forward he got about
the Blue Angels.

Blue SKies, Flip