P-MAN IX Update #08
Hello Everyone! 21 February
1. You really get pinged on for not giving photo credits, after you talk to everyone about giving appropriate photo credits. 2. If youre up to your hips in mangrove mud, its time to crawl. Happens faster for Bob Holler. 3. Just when you think you have a plan, it changes. 4. A plan is just something to deviate from. 5. Bem Ermii milkshakes are still the best. 6. There are various degrees of getting stuck in the mud. It seems to be similar to that depends on what the definition of is, is. 7. BentProp surf and turf is a delicacy. 8. Losing track of the days means you miss all you can eat spaghetti night. 9. Palau is a lot better than Iraq.
We started out at a reasonable hour today. Hopped in the van (yes the originally assigned one, transmission and all) and drove out to do interviews again. The more intel we can get, the better off we are in the jungle. Its not that we mind going through the woods in a random fashion. A hike in the jungle is a wonderful thing. However, since we want to find stuff that will lead us to an MIA, having some intel makes sense. The work smarter, not harder theorem.
We got some names of people to interview yesterday while we were heading around the islands. Our first stop was to a Chief on Koror. He wasnt in and we were told to stop by again around 7 p.m. We thought that might make picking up Derek at the airport a little problematic. We decided to think about it over the course of the day. We then went to see the son of an elder. Hes a retired government worker.
Now when I speak of an elder, Im really referring to someone who lived during the war. Many of them have died out. However, we have found that some of their older children remember their parents stories from the war.
As an aside, when did World War II start? Okay, Ill give you a minute.
Did you say December 7th, 1941? That would be our entry date. Some of you thought about September 1939. That was when the Europeans started shooting at each other. However, for the Palauans, the war started in March 1944 as that was when the first Fast Carrier Attacks happened. Its just an interesting perspective.
This man hunted the area we were looking at yesterday. We talked about his time hunting the area and talked about his memories as a child of being there. He was nice to chat with, but no real intel for us.
We headed up to Babelthuap and stopped pretty close to the K-B Bridge. Here we chatted with Simeon, a brother of Joshua. Joshua is a hunter who took us to an island a few missions ago where he said there was an untouched airplane. We couldnt find it even with his help but I do remember him saying he would talk with one of his bothers about it. Simeon is this brother.
We first asked about our green area target and at first, he did not have any info for us. However, he started talking about the island Joshua took us too. He said we looked in the wrong area and that he would take us to the correct area. A date was set. Were going to be hiking our first coral island tomorrow.
That wasnt what we thought wed do. Derek Abbey was joining us tonight and we thought wed give him an easy first day. However, our informant is leaving for Yap on Saturday and we had to have him take us to this new find. So, Derek gets to hike with us an island that is almost as hard as Hell Island. (If you dont know which is Hell Island, you need to go back to the beginning of my involvement with BentProp and read my field reports.)
Then Simeon started talking about seeing some metal in our green area. He told us to hike along the edge of the mangrove on dry land and we should see some things. Well fit that in day after tomorrow since we are taking Derek on his first nature hike with us tomorrow.
When we got done with Simeon, it was time to move further north.
We thought we should have some lunch before we pressed on. Bob, being the smart man he is, did not go down the road I went down. He found a spot to park in a grove of trees that provided a little shade along with a little breeze. We had a true taste sensation for lunch: BentProp surf and turf. That would be tuna fish with mayo, along with Spam, lettuce and tomato. I believe weve coined this dishes new name: Spuna.
After lunch, we realized that Bob had parked in an area of mud. No problem. We did not load up the van and Bob pulled forward. But only a bit. Then for only about 5 minutes, we pushed from the back, we pushed from the front, Bob got the van turned toward a dry spot and we were free.
Being the mature adult I am, I only mentioned it three times that my mud was deeper and that he got stuck in really shallow mud. Everyone else pointed out that I needed a short yellow school bus to pull me out while Bob got us out with only the four of us pushing. Its back to that definition of is. However, I digress.
We did a couple of more interviews and although they were fun, they did not really provide any actionable intel. We did get a couple of names of folks who might know something, but well have to do some more interviews in order to find out.
We headed back to Koror and got cleaned up. Over to Sams for sunset, sashimi and a couple of cold ones. We chatted with Sam himself, Dermot his general manager, the helicopter pilot from Americopter (who by the way is going to fly us on a recon mission in the next few days) as well as the usual suspects who hang at Sams Tours, which is a great dive and touring center. Palau is a long way from the U.S. However, if you want a really exotic location for diving and touring that is also very cost effective, Palau is the place for you.
The traditional Corona welcome drink and a trip to the Bem Ermii started Dereks Palau adventure. Derek is a Marine Corps F/A18 WSO (pronounced 'whizzo,' the guy in the back seat who runs the weapon and sensor systems and lets the pilots think theyre in charge) who just came back from Iraq. I think from listening to Derek talk, he may have the most air combat time of any Marine around. Im sure as the trip goes on, well get some great stories about his part in defending the nation.
I was typing most of this after Derek arrived and finished close to midnight. We had an early get up on the 23rd so I had to sleep fast.
22 February And now its the 22nd. Thursday more specifically. And we realized that we had missed by two nights Kraemers all you can eat spaghetti night. Kraemers is an expat hangout, especially on Tuesday nights. I guess well get there next Tuesday. That is unless we forget again.
Up at the crack of dawn. Breakfast by DOB. Lunch by committee. Briefed, packed and out the door just before 8 a.m. We are meeting Simeon at Neco Marine. Hes going to call us this morning to confirm the time but we know its going to be early. Hes going to take his boat and were going to take ours and hes going to lead us to what we think is a new crash site. Everyone else says hes just taking us to a known Japanese crash site, one that everyone has been to. However, Simeon says no, this one is further south.
At 0830, we finally get the call that 0930 is the push off time. Patience, no a strong suit of the team was being put into practice. We will need it later. So we hang out. DOB makes some phone calls, we all look at the Neco store offerings and then we all seem to meet up at the outdoor restaurant the dive center has.
One of Dans phone calls was to Mr. Yoji Kurata and his daughter Emiko. Kurata-san is a World War II Japanese soldier who lives in Palau. The team met him last year and he went into the jungles with us. He still likes hiking the jungles and can put a younger man to shame with his stamina. He was very helpful to The BentProp Project.
And 10 minutes later, he and his daughter show up. We want to get together with them to ask more questions and we will do so later in the mission when his out of town guests depart. His daughter interprets for him. Of course if he thinks she doesnt do a good enough job, he tells her so. So if he needs an interpreter, how does he know how well the job is being performed? Hmmmmm.
We left Neco and stopped once again over Quintus B. Nelsons crash site. I repeated the story about how we found this Corsair. I also repeated the part of about my sunglasses flying off my head the year before and ending up in the crash wreckage. A few missions ago, I passed out used sunglasses so anyone could have a karmic experience of losing glasses and finding a wreck. I brought along two more pair and gave them to the new guys so that maybe we can have another fortuitous loss of glasses.
Out to our island in question. Simeon tells us where to tie up. We get off and find its pretty easy to get on the island: its high tide. If you remember the Rock Islands of Palau, they are coral upheavals.
We hiked straight up the island. And I mean straight up as these island are all very steep. And its all loose coral and slick vegetation. It can be tricky walking in this environment. Simeon led the way up and stopped us at a saddle in the climb. It was a fairly broad flat area. He said to make this easy, he and his brother Richard would find the airplane and then lead us directly to it. We were to stay here and wait.
On an island with streams and different looking terrain, its easy to find something you once found before. However, on a Rock Island, its more difficult as the terrain is all the same. He did not want us to waste our energies looking so he would find it first.
But first, time to hunt. He began making pigeon sounds and his brother circled to the left. After about 15 minutes, the brother took one shot with his pellet gun. (Palau outlawed civilians owning guns a number of years ago. Hunters now can only use pellet guns. Simeons was a 22 caliber pellet rifle.) One shot, one bird. And this bird was pretty high up in the trees. Were told black pigeon goes for $15 a bird in town. The brothers were happy.
However, Simeon knew he was on a mission so he left his rifle with us so he would not hunt and he and his brother went off. For an hour. Then two. Three. Four and some change. Patience was practiced today by a group of type As. But as Derek says, Palau is better than Iraq.
We chatted up a storm. We talked about Man movies. We talked about our military experiences. We shot some photos. We wondered why you say a pair of scissors or a pair of sunglasses. We slept, drank water, and ate Bobs and Pats power bars. We griped that the only way to get Simeon back was for someone to go down the hill and bring back lunch. We never did that.
![]() Heres what were waiting in.
Simeon returned without being able to find the wreck. The problem is that we entered the island on the west side and he was unfamiliar with the path to get to the wreck. He encountered two large cliffs that made his task very hard and next to impossible.
Even though hes leaving for Yap on Saturday, his brothers are not. So hes going to have them go back in on the route that they know and find it. Then theyll show us early next week how to get there.
The good news is Simeon showed up, led us to an area to search and went on the search for us. These are all good signs. Some folks in the past have just pointed and were unwilling to lend a hand and break a sweat. And Simeon has a great reputation with other Palauans. So, we believe that he has something for us. It will just take a couple of days to re-find it.
We went to the base of the cliffs and they were not scalable to unequipped hikers. But, we did get to sweat some more and thats always a good thing.
Back down the island. This is the harder part. Going downhill, with the loose coral and slick detritus. We took our time and all worked out well. No scrapes on anyone.
Got to the shoreline and it was now low tide. What was an easy climb out of the boat and onto the island was now an 8 foot drop from a tree limb hanging out over the edge of the island. And I hate heights.
However, since I am typing this, I must have made it. We found a nice area to swim in a wash the sweat off of us.
Then back to Neco. A little sashimi at the pub, clean up, more sashimi at Sams then out to dinner at a Filipino restaurant.
Bob Hollers Mom is Filipina and I asked him to order for me. I think he ordered for most everyone. All his selections were top notch. And there was too much food for us to eat. Amazing after such an arduous day in the jungle.
Frank the owner came by. Hes a Palauan who as a child was on Peleliu when the war came to the islands. He may have some information for us so were going to put him on our list of interviews to do. He then invited us to join him at his Aunties birthday part next door. He had just bought us ice cream and we all wanted to get home to do our homework. However, Pat and Derek went across the street to run an errand. That left DOB, Bob and I to our own devices. DOB (I think) suggested we go in and sing happy birthday to the birthday girl. So we did.
Our singing was a hit. Auntie loved it. And we can see why Frank invited us: 25 people. All women save Frank. He wanted some male bonding time. But well save that for another day.
I think this catches you up. I now have to add some pictures to the words and I can launch this tonight. That is if I dont fall asleep at the keyboard.
So there you go. I hope everyone is having a great February.
Blue SKies, Flip |