P-MAN V - p. 5              

Collecting GPS coordinates on five previously discovered crash sites, Babeldaob and Koror, 03-04, 11 March 03 (GPS Readings NOT listed in this report)

For several years, I have attempted to collect GPS coordinates on crash sites as we have located them. In some instances, and for a variety of reasons, I have not been able to collect GPS readings in several jungle settings. However, GPS devices have since improved sensitivities and the BentProp team has developed a number of techniques for improving our ability in the field to get readings. Accordingly, we revisited 5 sites to obtain new readings or to confirm old ones. These revisits (for me) also permitted the other team members to become familiar with these sites, as well as allowing the PostStar Production team to film-document the sites. Finally, since the original finding of some of these sites predates BentProp’s American flag ceremonies, I had a renewed opportunity to honor the airmen lost there. In several instances, the P-MAN V GPS readings listed below include entry points as access to these sites would otherwise be difficult to ascertain.

This part of the fuselage, which I located in 1994, linked the wing my wife, Susan, and I had found in 1993. This section of fuselage had the characteristics to identify it as a B-24J, the type flown by CPT William Dixon and his crew. While I was interviewing other Palauans, Joe took the P-MAN V team to this site for documentation. They reported that the mangroves have grown substantially and are now about to engulf this wreckage. Over the years, I have located multiple debris sites starting with the starboard wing my wife and I found in 1993. During P-MAN V, we located inside Koror two other pieces of debris, probably related to this crash. They include a piece of a prop on the front lawn of a home in Koror and what appears to be a bomb bay fuel bladder support (Figs 3-7, 3-8, found in a junk pile by our guide Joe) that was used during the long range 13th AAF B-24 missions from Wakde Island.

Val holds the fuel bladder support lying in a patch of jungle,
along with garbage, in downtown Koror. (her foot is lower right of photo)
© Flip Colmer, 2003

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© Val Thal, 2003