2015 BentProp Progress Report # 1

P-MAN XVII Progress Report #1 - Mickalia Johnston is the first to check in from Palau!

14 March 2015

Five of us arrived in Palau last night 3.13.15, and the sweet smell of Palau was quite welcoming.

Alii! [Hello! in Palauan] Three of us had been here multiple times, but for myself, it's a wonderful first. We started the next morning off with a quite filling breakfast, topped off with Palauan Lemonade --- tres bien!

Our morning really got going with a visit to the local hospital, where Dr. Pat Scanon is a licensed provider. Graciously, they showed us their facilities, to include a review of the capabilities and operations of their hyperbaric recompression chamber. It is predominantly used for treating diving related illnesses, but plans are afoot to begin medical treatments as well.

In a true testament to improvisation, while driving about, we came across a local lumberjack, removing limbs from a massive tree. Moreover, the rigging system in place to insure correct limb landing was quite elaborate.

Cool lumberjack rigging.

And the night ended with a picturesque dinner overlooking Malakal harbor. A perfect ending to a beautiful day.

- Mickaila Johnston

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