2014 BentProp Progress Report # 14

P-MAN XVI Update # 14 - A 2005 retrospective: finding a TBM wing in the mangroves, hearing a family legend, and closing another circle. THIS is why we never give up.

26 March 2014

A couple of days ago, the team located the underwater crash site of a TBM Avenger, in an area where we'd been looking because we EXPECTED to find a TBM. We believe that this find closes a circle that started for us nine years ago. Please step back with us in time to March 2005, and take a look at these two progress reports and an excerpt from the 2005 final report:

Progress Report from 5 March 2005

Progress Report from 15 March 2005

Excerpt from BentProp 2005 Final Report

- Reid

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